The road to Winnfield, Louisiana from my house is now almost all the way a 4 lane highway.
But, I am warning you if you see this sign,
you need to reduce your speed to 35 mph because you are in Dry Prong, Louisiana and it is the one stretch of US 167 between Alexandria and Winnfield that is two lane and there is an old cop there who has given speeding tickets to generations of travelers who were in too much of a hurry in his town!
The plague and title winner of the Best of the Best this year was Reg Skains.
As usual, there were plenty of vendors with collars and leads for sale and all things that hog hunters need.
There were lots of good looking dogs, such as below, NALC reg. C Arrow Patch, owned by yours truely.
And here is his grandson, Luke Skywalker

And ohh, did we eat!
Above I am stuffing my face with the catfish basket you see below,
and for breakfast, in the heated comfort of my truck, my daughter had bacon, eggs, and pancakes, with the proceeds going to benefit the High School Band in Winnfield.
and of course, Babette Dartez Romero was being a Wienie dog jockey in Abbeville on Saturday,
so her and a cowgirl friend came out from Avery Island on Sunday, and everyone was all smiles, until I made her cry. (I think she never got over me breaking up with her in the 7th grade, and boy was I stupid! Isn't she beautiful?)
That's my daughter Christina above who claims she will never miss an Uncle Earl's.
She was still in toddler mode when I first came to the Uncle Earl's in 1996.
This is #15 for her.
That is her Bobalou she is holding above, who grew up to be my all time greatest swamp tour guide dog, as seen below.
His childen and grandchildren are now carrying on the family tradition as seen below.
That is Jesse a son of Bob, on a Louisiana swamp tour, and below Jesse is teaching his son Gus how to control a wild boar in a bay pen.
This is My Wild Louisiana, welcome to it.
1 comment:
Wow, thanks for posting the Hog Dog Trials photos! Exciting to see our Roscoe's dad there!! Maybe some year we will make it there.
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